ETBF Quota Packages – FOR SALE – 17,000 Kg Yellowfin Tuna Quota

Price: Package A: $425,000 + GST & Package B: POA

2 x Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery Quota Packages FOR SALE:

Package A: $425,000 + GST

17,000 Kg of ETBF Yellowfin Tuna Quota For Sale (Yellowfin Only)

Package B: POA

ETBF Quota Species 2025 Converted Kg’s
Yellowfin Tuna 17,000
Striped Marlin 2,500
Broad Billed Swordfish 6,700
Bigeye Tuna 7,700
Albacore Tuna 36,000

Package C: $35,000 + GST – SOLD

ETBF Quota Species 2025 Converted Kg’s
Yellowfin Tuna 1014
Striped Marlin 148
Broad Billed Swordfish 443
Bigeye Tuna 447
Albacore Tuna 1057

Quota / Licence information

Fishery Eastern Tuna & Billfish Fishery
Jurisdiction Commonwealth
Entitlement Package A: Yellowfin Tuna Quota - 17,000Kg / Package B: Yellowfin Tuna Quota - 17,000 Kg, Bigeye Tuna Quota - 7,700 Kg, Striped Marlin Quota - 2,500 Kg, Broadbill Sword Quota - 6,700 Kg, Albacore Quota - 36,000 Kg
Area of Access Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery
Fishing Gear Type Pelagic Longline & Minor Line
Transaction Type SALE

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