SESF Scalefish Hook Boat SFRs available FOR SALE. Enables use of Dropline, Trotline, Demersal Longline and Hydraulic Handreels and can be used in conjunction with an Auto-Longline Permit for key commercial species such as Ling and Blue Eye Trevalla. Please call Christian Pyke on 0428 233 200 with all enquiries.
Quota / Licence information
Fishery | Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery |
Jurisdiction | Commonwealth |
Entitlement | Scalefish Hook Boat SFR |
Area of Access | All waters off South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania from 3 NM to the limit of the AFZ. Also includes waters off southern Queensland (south of Sandy Cape) and New South Wales from approximately the 4,000 m depth contour (60–80 NM from the coast) to the limit of the AFZ. |
Fishing Gear Type | Demersal Longline, Dropline, Trotline and Hydraulic Handreel |
Transaction Type | Sale |
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