Tasmanian Scallop Licence (110 Units) & Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop SFRs

Price: POA

Tasmanian Scallop Licence (State Licence) FOR SALE:

Tasmanian State Licence with 0 – 20m vessel and 110 Units (One unit equal to 484 Kg)

Commonwealth Bass Strait Scallop Fishery SFRs FOR SALE:

Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery 7000 SFRs Commercial Scallop Quota equivalent to 61,213 Kg  & 7000 SFRs Doughboy Scallop Quota equivalent to 1,538 Kg (Note: Kg’s are based on 2024 Conversion Factors)



Quota / Licence information

Fishery Tasmanian Scallop Licence (0 - 20m Vessel) & Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery
Jurisdiction Commonwealth
Entitlement Tasmanian Scallop Licence - 110 Units (One unit equal to 484 Kg) / Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery (7000 SFRs Commercial Scallop Quota / 7000 SFRs Doughboy Scallop Quota)
Area of Access Tasmanian Scallop Fishery & Commonwealth Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery
Fishing Gear Type Scallop Dredge
Transaction Type SALE

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